1st Day of secondary school

So yesterday was the first day of secondary school for my two, my babies started secondary school – nope that just doesn’t sound right!

It seems so early for 2 reasons,

1/ They are my babies, they really don’t seem old enough to be going off to secondary school. I know everyone says that, but they really don’t. It only seems like yesterday that they started primary school. But as soon as they put that new uniform on they seem to look so much older!


2/Its still August, I have never been to school in August in my whole life, school always starts in September. A lot of their friends who are going to different schools don’t start back until at least Monday, it feels like our summer holidays have been cut short.

Just look at how grown up they look!!

The good thing about them starting earlier though was that there was hardly any traffic, so we flew in with no trouble or hold ups. Must remember to leave plenty of time on Monday though when the other schools are back, don’t want them getting detention in the first few weeks!

We did have a few panic moments from the girls as they were getting dressed, particularly with the blazer, having never worn one before –
“its too tight!”,
“its too thick and hot”,
“What if I’m not allowed to take it off”
I reassured them that it is just because they are not used to wearing them and have been wearing comfy shorts and t-shirts for the past 51/2 weeks and they seemed OK with that.

They both went in pretty well, with no tears from any of us, Bonus!

All day I was worrying about them and hoping they were having a good day, hoping that their blazers were OK! Hoping that they didn’t get lost too much and that they know what to do at lunchtime. Well I didn’t need to worry one bit, they had a great day. In fact I have never known them to come out of school and be so chatty, it normally goes along the lines of
“how was your day?” – “good”
“what did you do?” – “Not much”
and that’s about all I get out of both of them and we sit in silence all the way home, but not today, they were so excited to tell me all about their day, how they got lost but didn’t panic, made new friends, food they could get from the food hall and couldn’t wait to show me their timetable and other bits that they got. Lets hope this continues.

Hope all the others starting secondary school have a super first day and settle in quickly.

