2020 Goals

Happy New Year!!

I know i’m a little late to the party but better late than never!

I love the new year, I see it at as a time to reflect on the year that has gone and to set some goals for the coming year. Its a time to start a fresh.
I like to set out some little (or big) goals to achieve or make happen throughout the year.

Goal 1 – More time for Blogging
Last year ended up being very manic with different jobs not allowing much time for blogging (or much else really) so goal number one is to blog more and hopefully now with more time available to us, we will be able to have more family days out that we can share with you too, both here and over on instagram

Goal 2 – More quality family time
Following on from Goal 1, is to actually spend more time together as a family and by that I mean more quality time not just us all sitting in the same room looking at our phones! I want us to have more adventures, see more of the UK but also have more ‘sit at the table’ meals together. I also want to invite family over more often for games nights or dinner too as we rarely invite people over to our house.

Goal 3 – Watch my dads band more
You may or may not know that my dad is in a band and they play all over Kent but due to the hours I have been working I very rarely got to go and watch them play. So now with me not working evenings or weekends I can actually go and watch them play more often.

Goal 4 – sell more handmade items
I love to craft and one of my favourite crafts to do is crochet. At the end of last year my mum and I did our first ever craft fair where we had knitted, crocheted and felt items for sale. Although the Christmas market was slow we still enjoyed it and would like to attend some handmade fairs more regularly. I you wanted to check out some of our makes then we have an instagram account for this too.

Goal 5 – Write and release some free patterns
One of the things I do quite a bit whilst crocheting is make patterns up as I go along. What I want to try and do is write these down and be able to add them onto my blog for other people to use for free – so watch this space.

Goal 6 – Eat better and exercise more
I know, I know – that’s what everyone says in the new year, but last year my eating habits and running routine were a little slack. I found it really hard to cook healthy meals with the hours I was working but with having evenings free again I can now spend a little more time preparing and cooking some healthy meals. I do also plan on sharing a little more of what we eat on here too. I also need to make myself get out and run more as I really want to do it but I just struggle to motivate myself to get out the door sometimes.

Goal 7 – Yoga
I have wanted to do some yoga for a couple of years now but just never seemed to find the time to fit it in. So I decided to have a look on YouTube at some beginners yoga moves and found one that is a morning routine and is just 10 mins long, so I have been doing this as soon as I get up before anything else and I really enjoy it.

Goal 8 – Save some money
One of the things i am really rubbish at and always have been is saving money! But we want to move to a bigger house in about 2-3 years time, so we want, actually not want – NEED to get some savings together ready for that.

Goal 9 – Pay of debts
We are quite lucky, as apart from the mortgage we don’t have huge debts but we would like to get them paid off for when we move house, then that’s one less thing to worry about.

Goal 10 – Be more organised
Again one thing i’m not always great at is being organised or feeling that i’m organised. As I work for myself , sometimes one of the hardest things is dividing up the right amount of time in your day to the right things, so I want to allocate certain parts of the day/week to set tasks – and actually do them!

There are my 2020 goals, some of the goals are the same every year but it just motivates me a bit more to have them all written down.

Have you set yourself any new year goals/ I would love to hear them if you have.
