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From cleansing balm to lip balm, its safe to say that we do love a balm in this house. Natural, home made with gorgeous scents from Essential oils and so quick and easy to make.

Its that time of year where we end up with far too many bug bites and after a gnat had a lovely feast on both my daughters the other night, I searched for a recipe for a bite balm to help calm, soothe, heal and relieve the itching of their bites.
The recipe that I used was enough to fill a small jar and 10 lip balm tubes. The tubes are great as you can apply the balm directly.
So what has this beautiful balm got inside?
Beeswax – Protects, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. You can buy this is small amounts but I like to buy the 1kg bags as I also use this my my lip balms and cleansing balms.
Olive Oil – Antioxident and moisturizing properties
Coconut oil – Is high in antioxidants, heals irritated skin, anti-inflammatory and protects skin from harmful bacteria.
Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tree essential oils which have antibacterial and healing properties. (and smell delicious!)

Not only have we been using this for bug bites but also any cuts or scratches, which being a gardener, I get lots! My daughters have also been applying it to any pimples that they get too. So its a super good all round healing balm.
I used Jenni’s recipe over at Jenni raincloud
Thank you Jenni for such a fantastic recipe that we all love.