How to celebrate the New Year without leaving your house!

I don’t really need to write that this year has been a little different, as that is just stating the obvious, so celebrating the new year will also be a little different for a lot of people. To be honest we have only ever been out on New Years eve once since having the girls, nearly 15 years ago, so it won’t be much different for us.

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I’m going to share some of the different things we have done on New Years Eve over the years.

  1. Minute to win it
    This was hilarious and can be adapted to suit different ages. You can play as many or as little as you wish and can fit them in around other things too. You have a minute to complete each game/task. Pinterest has some fantastic ideas but some of our favorites have been –

    Face the cookie – Place an Oreo (or any cookie/biscuit) on your forehead and without using your hands, try to get the Oreo into your mouth within the minute.

    It blows – For this one you will need some paper cups and a balloon each. Line up some paper cups on a table and the player has to blow up the balloon and then release the air, aiming it at the cups to knock them off the table. Time the player to see how quickly they
    can knock all of the off.

    Money Knee – You will need a bowl or cup and some coins. Place the cup on the floor a couple of metres from the start. The player has to put a coin between their knees and walk towards the cup and then drop the coin into the cup, without using their hands.

    Jingle bells – You will need paper cups, some foil, small bells and elastic bands or string. The organiser needs to number the cups and put a different amount of bells in each cup, cover the cup with foil and place an elastic band around the top of the cup to hold the foil in place. The players then have 1 minute to to try and work out how many bells are in each cup.

    Marshmallow shovel – For this you will need marshmallows, 2 bowls and disposable wooden spoons. Place all the marshmallows in one bowl and using the spoon which is in your mouth, scoop the marshmallows from one bowl to the other.

    Elephant March – To set this one up place a tennis ball or rolled up socks in one of the feet of a pair of tights. Line up some cups or empty bottles on the floor. Place the tights on your head, with the tennis ball end hanging down in front of you and without using your hands, move your head to swing the ball to knock over the cups.

    I have shared some easy to set up minute to win it games but there are so many more you could play and you can find lots more here.
  2. Challenge Pong
    You have all heard of beer pong or prosecco pong but this is a family friendly version. It is set up the same way with the cups stood up at one end of the table but in each cup is a piece of paper with a challenge on and the aim of the game is to bounce the ping pong ball into one of the cups and complete the challenge.
    Here are some challenge ideas for you;
    Do 15 star jumps
    Run to the end of the garden and back with no shoes on
    Stand on one leg until someone else gets a ball in the cup
    Take your next turn with your eyes closed

    You could set the challenges based on the ages of the participants and make them harder or easier.
  3. Movie night
    Get some snacks and of course popcorn and pick a film – simple but a lovely thing to do as a family.
  4. Computer game challenge
    We used to love doing this on the Wii, we would get into teams and play each other at Mario Kart but you could do this with whatever games and console you have.
  5. Games Night
    A fun filled family night playing all your favourite board games, with plenty of snacks.
    Here are a few of our favourite games to play;
    5 Second rule
    Pictionary Air
    The PretenderOur review
    Smart ass
  6. Zoom Family quiz
    As 2020 was the year of the zoom quiz, of course I had to add it here. You can get some quiz round ideas from this post.
  7. Go for a midnight walk
    This is something that we have done in the past and technically you are leaving your house but your aren’t going to another house. We live in a valley, so we walked up to the top of the hill and watched all the fireworks.

I hope you have a happy new year and lots of health, wealth and happiness in 2021.
