Lunch ideas

I have seen recently a lot of people asking for lunch and dinner ideas over on Instagram. I think where normally children either have dinner/lunch at school, so we don’t have to plan or think about it too much or if they do take their own lunch into school it tends to be sandwiches.

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I don’t know why but I feel I have to provide something different and a little bit more exciting for lunch to the norm!
Maybe its more to stop my boredom of making the same thing everyday that makes me want to prepare different things or maybe its because I have a little bit more time on my hands than usual, so I can experiment a bit more!
I don’t know but I thought I would share some of the lunch ideas that we have been eating. We don’t really eat meat much so the ideas don’t contain meat but obviously you could add some to ideas if you wanted.

  1. Jacket potato – we usually have this with just butter or coleslaw or beans and cheese but you could also add some chilli or tuna mayo or coronation chicken.
  2. Omelette – we usually have this with some oven chips and a side salad. We have mushroom omelette but you could also have ham or bacon.
  3. Cheese on toast
  4. Beans on toast
  5. Scrambled egg on toast
  6. Boiled eggs and soldiers – Dippy Egss
  7. Hot cross buns or teacakes
  8. Sausage sandwich – maybe with a fried egg added too – yum!
  9. Wrap pizza’s – This has been one my personal favourites. Wholemeal wrap with a splodge of BBQ sauce spread over it, topped with mozzerella and add sliced mushrooms and some tinned sweetcorn and pop in the oven at 220 degrees for 6 mins.
  10. Pitta pizzas – similar to above but on pitta bread instead.
  11. Houmous and crudités – we like to have cucumber, carrots, pepper, sugar snap peas and celery.
  12. Pizza twists – made with puff pastry and very tasty.
  13. Avocado on toast – One of my favourites!
  14. Nachos
  15. Quesadillas
  16. Cheese and tomato toastie
  17. Cheese and mushroom toastie
  18. Butternut squash soup
  19. Tomato soup
  20. Pea and mint soup
  21. Pasta Salad
  22. Quinoa Salad
  23. Baked Sweet potato
  24. Halloumi salad wrap
  25. Houmous and falafal wrap
  26. Bagal and cream cheese
  27. Quiche
  28. Hotdogs
  29. Baguettes
  30. Ravioli
  31. Cheese and peanut butter toastie – according to Chloe this is amazing!
  32. Mini Frittatas
  33. Cornish pastie
  34. Couscous
  35. Orzo salad
  36. Buddha bowl
  37. Rice cakes – we top ours with houmous, cucumber, tomato and basil.
  38. Pancakes
  39. Burrito
  40. Pasta bake
  41. Sausage rolls – We use The Happy Pear recipe
  42. Veg and halloumi skewers
  43. Spanish omelette
  44. Golden rice – One of those 2 min pouches
  45. Egg Mayo sandwich

I hope you enjoy trying something new for your lunch.
