Meal Ideas

Meal plan 06/07/2020

Before lockdown I didnt really do a weekly shop as such, more of a pop to the shops when needed which resulted in a lot of visits and a lot of wastage. I never really planned what to have for dinner until it was dinner time, it would get to dinner time and I would struggle to think of what to do for dinner. Since lockdown, because we couldn’t keep going to the shops like before, we started getting our food delivered from the supermarket or use the click and collect service. By using this I started doing a weekly shop and had to make sure we ordered all the things that we would need and to make sure I didn’t waste food and to make sure we had what we needed for each meal I started doing a meal plan.
Not only did this make sure we had all the food we needed it also took away the daily struggle of thinking of something to do for dinner, instead I only have to sit and think about it once a week!

I tell you, this has changed my life!!

I love seeing what other people eat and get ideas for different things to cook for our dinner from other people. So I thought that it would be fun to share my weekly meal plan to maybe give you some ideas and inspiration too.

At home we eat a vegetarian diet and also minimize dairy (although some weeks we do have quite a bit!) but if you are a meat eater you can still get ideas from my meal plans, some you can add a bit of meat or maybe use some for your meat free mondays?

I know I’m a little late in posting this as it is already Wednesday but you could use some of the ideas for your own meal plan next week. I am going to do these every week but post them on a Sunday evening/Monday morning, so you can follow along if you like.

I will link to the recipes where I can.

MondayHaloumi salad – I pan fry the haloumi and serve with loads of salad and then top with some sweet chili sauce. This week I also added a vegetable burger and some garlic and herb potatoes which were really tasty!

Tuesday Mushroom Omelette and chips – So this is where you could add some bacon or ham into your omelette if you wanted too. We sometimes add onions and peppers too.

WednesdayVegetable lasagne and salad – We haven’t had this before but it looked really tasty and simple to make.

Thursday – Orzo salad – I keep meaning to write up how I make this… soon I will! But basically cook some orzo add some pesto and olives, sundried toms and feta cheese.

Friday – Tofu Fajitas – So we just use a fajita kit and use tofu instead of meat, simple.

Saturday – Jacket Potato and salad – We have this quite a bit as its so easy and quick.

Sunday – Roast – Now as I said earlier we don’t eat meat and we arn’t really that keen on the veggie roast substitutes so our roast consists of LOTS of veg, roast potatoes, sage and onion stuffing and some yorkshires.

So that’s this weeks meal plan, I hope you enjoy it.
