Meal Plan 13/07/2020

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Another week, another week of planning meals.
Last week we ended up ordering Dominos Pizza on Friday night after football training, which meant we then had the fajitas on Saturday night, which then meant I had some baking potatoes to roll over into this week. i thought i would mention that, in case you were thinking – “hang on, she only had jacket potato on friday and now shes having it again” haha, although my children do think that we have jacket potato all-the-time! (we don’t but we do have it quite a lot as I can just shove it in the oven and I don’t have to think about it!)

So this weeks meal plan is as follows –

Monday – Jacket potato and fresh salad from the allotment – As I said above, a nice quick and easy meal that I don’t have to think about.

Tuesday – Burger, Chips and salad – Of course this is a veggie burger and we have recently discovered the Beyond meat burger which we get from Tesco and it is the best ‘non-meat’ burger we have ever had! We usually add some gherkins, cheese, lettuce and tomato ketchup. I am going to serve this with some oven chips but sometimes we have it with vegan macaroni cheese.

Wednesday – Butternut Squash risotto – This is a recipe that I got from The Leon – Fast Vegan cookbook and it is delicious and very easy to make.

Thursday – Pie, Mash and Veg – In the winter I really fancied pie and mash but struggled to find a vegetarian pie that I liked, until I found The PUKKA cheese, leek and potato pies, these are very tasty! I then serve this with loads of mash, veg and gravy.


Friday – Buddha Bowl – This is one of the simplest and healthiest meals I do. The only thing that is cooked is the rice, the rest is raw. I serve falafel, houmous, spiralised courgette, sliced pepper, avocado, olives, chickpeas, beetroot in bowl with the rice sprinkled with smoked paprika and that is it!

Buddha Bowl

Saturday – Spaghetti bolognese – Made with Quorn mince and depending on whether I can be bothered or not, the sauce will be made from scratch, if not it will be a jar of Dolmio! I like to add onion, peppers and courgette to the mince for more flavour and nutrition.

Sunday – Roast – I know a lot of people have roast every Sunday but we don’t usually as the girls usually play football on a Sunday but obviously they aren’t playing matches at the moment so we have more time. I explained how we have our roasts on last weeks meal plan.

Hope you have a good week.
