My 2019 Goals



Hope you had a lovely Christmas and new year, what did you get up to?

Now I know a lot of people don’t actually enjoy new year, but for me, I find it quite exciting. Its a chance to start a fresh, set some new goals and try to better myself. Now I know what you are thinking…You don’t have to wait for new year to do any of those things!
And you are right but it just feels like a good time for me to start a fresh.

So every new year I like to try and set myself some goals, something to focus on and try to achieve, maybe a new direction and I thought that I would share them here. One, so that I might achieve them more if they are written down here and two, it might help motivate someone else.
I have tried to set some in all aspects of my life, work, home, me etc.

So here are my 2019 goals…

  • To have more structure to my day.
    Now what I mean by this is, is to have set times for working and other times for cooking and spending with my family. Otherwise I find myself working and looking at my phone most of the time and not having proper quality time my my children.
  • To write at least 4 blog posts a month
    Notice I said at least, so the minimum, that way I can write more but if I only manage 1 a week then that’s good for me.
  • Launch my craft business properly
    I sort of started this end of last year but I want to launch it properly as a business and not just something on the side.
  • Be more organised!
    I want to plan and be more organised with my Blog, YouTube, Instagram and meal planning. I have notepads ready and have started jotting down some ideas for different months of the year. I am also going to start a bullet journal, to plan ahead and also record things that I done too.
  • Hit 5K followers on Instagram
    I plan to put more work into my Instagram account and to plan posts rather than just posting whatever haha!
  • Have 500 Subscribers on YouTube
    As part of my, being more organised. I am going to have a two day a week upload schedule and plan in advance what videos I will film.

  • Make more time for family and friends
    This one doesn’t need much explaining, but hopefully if i’m more organised this will free up more time for this.
  • Do more self care
    I wrote a little post about self care ideas here 
    I think I say this every…single…year, but we got new metal water bottle for Christmas, so we will be putting them to good use!
  • Eat less sugar
    Sugar is evil FULLSTOP
  • Complete Couch to 5K
    I started this around about summer last year, but then got distracted (not sure what by!) and stopped, so will need to start again. But again if I am more organised, hopefully this should free up some time to do this too.
  • Spend more quality time with my children 

    We love playing board games together and computer games. I have one daughter that loves beauty and make-up, so I will be doing more of that with her and my other daughter loves art, scrap-booking and journalling so I will do more of that with her and my son has just started a new acting job, where he will be on tour again, so will be away a lot, but I like to visit him at the venues that aren’t too far away and go for lunch with him.

They are my goals that I want to achieve for 2019, if you have set any goals for the year, I would love to know what they are.