New Family member

If you follow us over on Instagram, then you will have seen that at the end of August we had a new edition to our family. We welcomed a 10 week old Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy into our family. We first went to  choose him back in July, when he was just 6 weeks old. Even though we knew we were getting him for 4 weeks, it still took us until the day we bought him home to decide on a name. We just couldn’t all decide on a name, but in the end we went for Brady, which was a name that I suggested. Now if you are a NFL fan and more so a Patriots fan, you may guess where I got the idea for the name from, yep on the back of the quarterbacks jersey lol, Thank you Tom Brady!
The picture below was the day we bought him home.

He settled in really quickly and set work to eating most of my plants in the garden straight away and a chunk of the sofa!

There is a period of time when  they have their vaccinations when puppies cant walk outside of the house, but we knew this was when he needed to be socialised, so we carried him! Do you know how much a ridgeback puppy weighs? A LOT, they are heavy, but we took him round where we lived day and night as we didn’t want him to be frightened of things.

4 Weeks after we bought him home, the day we had all been waiting for, we could take him out for a walk.

First walk

He is now 16 weeks old and has grown so much, his legs are now quite long, which he sometimes struggles with but hopefully he will get used to them. You don’t always notice how much they have grown, until you look back over old photos and wow, what a difference. We can now walk him for about 20mins a day and he loves going out and meeting other dogs. It’s a beautiful time of year to be able to get outside and enjoy the autumn colours.

We are looking forward to taking him on longer walks as the months progress.

Although we have only had him for 6 weeks, it feels like he has always been here. For regular updates, you can follow Brady here
yes , he has his own Instagram haha!