Quiz round ideas

Along with many others, during lockdown we have been doing a family quiz night via zoom. We take it in turns to host the quiz on a Friday night, which is so fun to see everybody put their own spin on it and seeing what different rounds everyone comes up with.

When is is my turn to host, I rely quite heavily on other peoples ideas after googling different quiz rounds.

I’m going to share some of my favourite rounds that myself and my family have done over the last few months.

1 – General Knowledge
We always start with a general knowledge round, which I am absolutely hopeless at!
I’m going to share some of the fantastic sites I have found that have some fantastic questions for general knowledge rounds.

This site has some great questions, not only for general knowledge rounds but I have also used the questions from here for Sport, food and drink and film rounds too – infact if you want to host a more traditional quiz, then this site has it all covered for you.

Here is another one that I have used too for my quiz questions.

2 – Match up

This round has been quite popular with most of my family as even if you don’t know the answers or even the subject mater you still have a chance of getting some right.
Using word (or similar) you create two lists and then the contestants have to match them up, so for example we have had – Film and actor, Football team and football ground, Animals and their collective group name, books and the author, song and the artist. I mean you could literally do anything.

I have attached the football clubs one below, which you are free to use if you wish or to use as an example.

3 – Does it float?
This is a new one that we did this week and it created a little bit of fun and laughter at the end of the quiz.
I simply had a bowl of water and a selection of items, which consisted of Cherry tomato (which was a good one to start on as it threw everyone!), peg, plastic fork, chilli pepper, pea pod, paper clip, coin, screwed up tin foil, pine cone, egg, pen – I mean you can use whatever you want and we put each item in the water as we went along. So I showed the item, they guessed sink or float and then I dropped the item in the bowl of water.

4 – Guess the chocolate bar
I found this already made up here, which was fantastic, so I just screen shared it for my family to work out and actually it was a little harder than what I thought it would be.

5 – Song lyrics
We found that zoom doesn’t really like certain music being played and would cut out or play funny, so we gave up trying to do the intros round and instead did the song lyrics round. Take a well known lyric from a song and read it out (and try not to actually sing it) and the players have to guess the name of the song and the artist, so two points per answer on offer here.

Here is one of the ones we have used…

6 – Guess the Celebrity from the baby photo
I used the photos from this site, screen shot them and made a slide show to screen share and then just have to guess the celebrity from the baby photo.

7 – Logos
This is always a fun round and there are plenty of logos with the name blanked out if you search. I then just screen shot the image and share on the screen during the quiz.

8 – Scavenger hunt
This is so much fun. The host says an object and the first one to get the object and show it on screen wins – simple.
You could try using, something green, a spoon, a balled pair of socks, a hairbrush, a DVD (retro!), a leaf, a piece of fruit, a shoe etc

9 – What was number one?
My son did this round when he was hosting and researched the songs that were at number one when each of the quiz participants were born. When he read out the song we had to guess who was born at the time that song was number one.

10 – Guess the film from the recreation
Another round my son and his girlfriend did. They recreated movie posters themselves, which was hilarious and would be fun for you to do too.

I’ve shared below a selection of the ones they created and the answers below.

Answers (starting top left and reading across)
Silence of the lambs
Mar Poppins
The Lion King
The Shining
Calender girls
The Graduate
Mary Poppins
Home Alone

Happy Quizzing!
