Rainbows are everywhere at the moment and they really do brighten everything up and bring hope at uncertain times.
You may have hung a rainbow in your window for people to see on their walks or hung some up inside your house too.
We got a little bit crafty using very little materials and made some bright rainbow letters.

These letters were so easy to make and great for children, teens and adults to make.
All you need is some cardboard, I used a box from a delivery but you could use an old cereal box, you also need some yarn in the colours of your choice, a little bit of sticky tape and some scissors to cut out your letter and that is it.

So to start, you want to draw your letter onto the cardboard and cut it out. I made my letters about 8 inches high and made the thickness of the lettering about 1.5 inches.

With the letter ‘A’ I did block rainbow colours, so you want to take the red yarn and just tape the end onto the back of the cardboard letter.

You then want to start wrapping the yarn around the cardboard letter, overlapping slightly so that you can’t see any of the cardboard through it. When you want to change colour, just tie the yarn you have been using round the back and tape the new colour on to the letter or you can just tuck the starting edge in and wrap over it. You keep working like this until you have worked all the way down.
For some of the letters like the ‘A’ you might have to cut a long bit of yarn to then wind through the hole in the middle of the letter as you won’t fit the whole ball through!
When you get to the end just tie the yarn round the back.

With the ‘C’ and ‘L’ the girls both picked 3 different colours and I wrapped all 3 round together at the same time – this was so much quicker haha! So you could try this method with all the rainbow colours too.

These make a great addition to a bedroom wall or on the bedroom door and can be made in the colours to suit your decor.
These were so cheap and easy to make and I love how they have all turned out. Chloe and Lucy picked great colours for their letters.

Don’t forget to share and tag me (@thetwinsandme2) on Instagram if you make them, I would love to see them.