How to Plan A Family Movie night

With the way things are at the moment I felt like we were spending less and less time together, doing things as a family. I wanted us still to do fun things together and continue…

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2020 Goals

Happy New Year!! I know i’m a little late to the party but better late than never! I love the new year, I see it at as a time to reflect on the year that…

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56 Summer activities for Tweens (or any age really!!)

Although I have called this – activities for Tweens, it isn’t actually just for tweens. A lot of the activities and ideas are suitable for all ages, its just that I had my 12 year…

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Family Evening Walk

I Love this time of year, having the longer days feels like you can do so much more outside and when the weather is sunny and warm, I love to get out for a walk…

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