Since being at home a lot more due to lockdown I have spent more time walking barefoot and as the weather has been so lovely I have also been walking in the garden barefoot too.
I have always liked walking barefoot on grass and I find it very calming to do this but didn’t know why!
Then the other day Craig (who has been working from home) said he is not looking forward to having to wear shoes again and likes walking barefoot.
I started thinking that maybe this is a thing and there are benefits to walking barefoot, so I did a little research and this is what I found…

I found this information from powerofpositivity.com
Walking barefoot is also called “earthing” or “grounding”, walking barefoot where your feet directly touch the soil allows your body to absorb negative electrons through the earth.
– So that explains why when walking barefoot on grass, I find it so calming. The article also says that walking barefoot or “earthing” among other things helps boost the immune system, improves sleep and reduces pain and inflammation. I found it all very interesting and i’m definitely up for trying things that help me sleep and boost my immune system and especially something as simple as walking outside barefoot. Its got to be a win-win situation, walking to help boost our cardiovascular system, improve mental health and wellness and by removing our shoes and being “grounding” it makes the benefits of walking even better! To read the full article pop along to powerofpositivity.com
We have since watched a really interesting film on YouTube about how people have overcome different illnesses and how grounding works, which I thought I would share with you.

Are you going to start walking barefoot?