Weekly Meal Plan

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Hello, how are you all doing?
Here is another weekly meal plan for you.

Monday‘Fish’ and Chips – We like the Quorn fishless fish sometimes we have it with oven chips or sometimes with some proper chip shop chips!

Tuesday Quiche and salad – We plan on having a dinner picnic so this is something that is easy to take and eat outside.

Quiche, salad and new potatoes

WednesdaySpaghetti Bolognese – Made with Quorn mince and added pepper and grated courgette (we have so many of these at the moment as we grow them so I add them into recipes wherever I can).

ThursdayVegetable Lasagne – We had this for the first time a couple of weeks ago and its now a firm family favourite. I will serve this with some freshly picked salad from the garden.

FridayVeggie Burger, potatoes and salad – We have some vegatable burgers in bread crumb that were substituted for something else with our shopping delivery and we had some of them a couple of weeks ago and we really liked them.

SaturdayVegetable Sushi – I have just ordered a sushi kit and can’t wait to try it!

Sunday – Roast – I’m really loving our roasts at the moment with the extra time we have on a Sunday. You can see what we have in our roasts from a previous post.

What have you got planned for your meals this week?
