Weekly Meal Plan

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This week I have lots of potatoes, cherry tomatoes, courgettes and swiss chard from the allotment that I need to base my meals around this week.
We also have lots of foraged fruits that I have been eating, adding to smoothies and freezing to use at a later date.

Related – How to freeze Blackberries and other blackberry recipes

It is also going to be very hot here in Kent this week, so I have tried to pick meals that don’t need too much time spent in the kitchen or use the oven as much!

If you wanted to take a look at some previous weeks meal plans, then you can find them here

Right, onto this week…
MondayJacket potato with stir fried veg

TuesdayVegetable lasagne – we didn’t end up having this in the end last week but I can’t actually remember why? So I’ve added this again to this weeks meal plan and it uses up some of our lovely homegrown courgettes.

Wednesday Coconut Curry lentil dahl, bombay potatoes and onion bhajisyou may have noticed that I had this on m,y meal plan last week too but the girls were out the night we had this planned and they wanted to have it too, so I said i would save it for this week instead.

ThursdayVegan Mac ‘n’ cheese (I get the recipe from here) and salad. I might chop some swiss chard up and add it to the mac ‘n’ cheese too.

FridayEasy Mushroom Risotto

Saturday Pasta, pesto, garlic bread and salad – nice quick and extremely easy meal to prepare.

SundayRoast – I think it is supposed to cool down a little bit by the weekend, so i don’t mind standing in the kitchen for this.

Hope you all have a lovely week.
