Weekly Meal Plan

Bit late with the meal plan this week as I got confused what day of the week it was as we had the bank holiday and then we were out all day Tuesday, but here is this weeks meal plan.

Monday – Quiche, new potatoes and stir fried veg Using some of the Swiss Chard, peppers and Courgettes from the allotment and also added some mushrooms and mange tout.

TuesdayKatsu Curry and rice – I used some plant based goujons and also served with some broccoli.

WednesdayGnocchi and roasted Veg – I used some kohl rabi that we had grown at the allotment (I had never even heard kohl rabi before, let alone eaten it!) and some butternut squash, sweet potato, courgette (also from the allotment) and parsnip.

Thursday – Burger and chips – Our favorite Beyond meat burgers

Friday – Spaghetti bolognese – Using Quorn mince and I will probably add some grated courgette into it too.

Saturday – Mushroom risotto – a very simple recipe that I’ve had for years. Risotto rice, veg stock, onion and mushrooms.

Sunday – Roast – yum, yum, yum!

Hope you all have a great week.
