You may (or may not) have noticed that there was no meal plan last week. We did still eat I just didn’t get round to typing it up and then I thought by Thursday that it was probably a little late, so decided to leave it.
I have been a little bit more organised this week, which means you are actually getting this on the Monday instead of half way through the week, yay!

I planned this weeks meals, not realising that it was actually going to be quite warm here in Kent this week. Some of them are more what I would call autumn/winter meals but still tasty.
Monday – Jacket Potato and salad – We have lots of salad growing in the garden and allotment so this is a great way to eat it.
Tuesday – Sticky sweet Chilli Tofu and rice – This is one of my super quick and easy recipes. I will serve some broccoli with it.
Wednesday – Vegan Mac n Cheese with some plant based nuggets and salad – more of that salad going in there. I hoping to have some left over mac n cheese for the girls to take to school for their lunch the next day too.
Thursday – Coconut curry lentil dhal – we had this a few weeks ago but I can’t remember what it was like, so i am going to make it again.
Friday – Veggie sausage and white bean stew – This is a lovely comfort meal.
Saturday – Courgette fritters, sweet potato wedges and (some more of that) salad – I have the last of the courgettes from the allotment to use up and this is one of my favourite ways to do it.
Sunday – Roasted veg and Gnocchi – Super easy, one pan dish!
I hope you all have a lovely week. Let me know if you try any of these meals.