Chloe and Lucy have asked for Gelli baff before and I’ll be honest, when I looked at the product, I was concerned that it would stain the bath or block the drain and I’m delighted to say that it did neither of these things!!
The girls were thrilled to very kindly be sent some Slime baff, Gelli baff and the snoball play from Zimpli Kids, who design and manufacture some fantastic products.`

Slime Baff
Of course we had to use the Slime Baff first as the slime craze is still strong in our house hold. To start with you need to run some warm water to about 4cm deep and then sprinkle the powder into the bath and stir for 5-10 mins. Once the slime forms, you need to add more water. The instructions were very clear and easy to understand.

The girls had their friend Freya over so they all played with the slime together, which made our bath look very small with three 12 year old’s in it. It reminded me of when I used to watch children’s Saturday morning TV shows, when I was a child and they would tip slime over people.

To drain away, you just need to add more water to the bath which will dilute the slime and allow it to drain away very easily and doesn’t leave any colouring on the bath or children Haha!
Gelli Baff
After we had played with the Slime Baff they wanted to use the Gelli Baff straight away, so they started to fill the bath with warm water once again (they are never usually this eager to get in the bath!!!)
The Gelli baff works similar to the slime and you add the sachet to 4cms of water and wait for the Gelli to form, which takes 5-10mins. For some reason the girls decided to mix two packs together, one green and one orange which made a purply colour.

They played with this for quite a while and just before they had finished I was trying to work out how this was going to be removed from the bath as it is quite a thick consistency. I didn’t need to worry, as the clever design of this product allows it to drain away just fine. In the box there is another sachet of powder which you sprinkle over the gelli baff and it dissolves it back to drainable liquid – see I told you it was clever! And again no staining of the bath, I don’t know why I was so worried.
Snoball Play
I was very excited for this one, I mean who doesn’t love a snoball fight and even better if they aren’t freezing cold haha!
You add the powder to a bowl and then add approx 1.4l of water.

The girls mixed this together in a bowl and at first I was thinking that we added way too much water, but as they mix it starts to thicken up.

We added a little bit more water so that the snoballs stuck together a bit better.

Once you have made your snoballs, the snoball fight can begin!! I gave the girls a bowl each out in the garden and I watched from inside. This product is fully degradable, so can be left to break down naturally on your grass or you can add water to speed up the process.

Messy play, without the mess – perfect!
Here’s what the children had to say –
“These products were very good and I would recommend them for Birthday presents or for summer fun” – Chloe age 12
“This product is very good for children to make their bath time extra fun and enjoyable. So I would definitely recommend for you!” – Lucy age 12
“Excellent products, so much fun” – Freya age 12
The girls had lots of fun playing with all three of these products and I loved them as they were so easy to clear up after and are a great price too. You can find all the products and more info on the Zimpli Kids website here

Let me know if you have fun with these too.