Every year I plan to save money and fail!!
I really am rubbish at saving money, but I really want to be able to save money throughout the year, to have a small lump at the end of the year to buy Christmas presents, so that it takes the weight off of buying them all out of one months wages and then having nothing in January!!
I’ve tried in the past to save a certain amount a month but something always pops up and I end up using it or not having the money to put away in the first place. I started searching saving ideas because there is always a clever person out there that has great ideas and that person was Skint Dad
On his blog I found the 1p Saving challenge and I first I thought “surely you can’t save much by putting away 1p!” but then I took a closer look and a penny a day adds up pretty quick! You can save up too £667.95 in a year just by putting 1p away on day one, 2p on day two, 3p on day three, 4p on day four and so on until on day 365 you put away £3.65, Simple huh!?
As I said earlier I wanted this money to be put towards Christmas, so I have already put away enough pennies so that the 365 days ends at the end of November and I still have time to buy presents.
You can find a free printout of the saving sheet here so it makes it easier to keep track of what day you are on and how much money you have already saved
Now because I also want to have a little bit of savings put awat for a rainy day, I have also decided to try and get as far as I can with the 52 week saving saving plan too. This is a weekly one and you start with week 1 = £1, week 2 = £2, week 3 = £3 etc. This one will get you more saved in a year but obviously as the year gets near the end, you will be needing to save £51, £52 a week, which I think will be a bit of a stretch for me but we will see how we go and how far we can get. For a planning sheet for this one I googled £1 saving challenge and decided to print this one off
2 Simple ways to save money, let me know if you take on the challenge.